By Juan Andrés

This newsletter is a summary of the latest news in the React world and a place to showcase noteworthy React developments made in CodigoDelSur.

React continues to evolve. One of the most useful additions is the Context API. It allows developers to share information between components without the need of passing props through the tree.

Usually Webpack and other tools that form the web development pipeline are not given the attention they deserve. They are essential parts of web development that surface extremely powerful features that can make a huge difference when creating a web application. In today's newsletter we'll dive into Webpack.

Knowing the current state of web development and making educated guesses on the direction it's heading is always a great idea. Here are some interesting resources:

  • Automated front-end development using deep learning: JavaScript code does not automatically become better just because it uses React. It is easy to write horrible React code, just like it’s easy to write horrible vanilla JavaScript. In this article, architecture concepts are presented with explanations of the reasons for some of the decisions.
  • Modern Frontend Developer in 2018: A detailed roadmap of how to learn Frontend development in 2018. Even if you're an experienced web developer, it can be hard to keep up with JavaScript's pace, so this article can give you an idea on what to learn next.
  • Stackoverlow Developer Survey Results 2018: The biggest questions and answers site published the results of a 100,000 developer survey. What tools they use, how they build their careers and more are detailed in this really interesting article.