When you watch videos on Vine, search for coupons on Groupon, look for a new outfit on Nordstrom’s website, go to Chipotle.com to find the nearest location, or reserve concert tickets on Live Nation, you’re seeing Ember in action.

Ember is also used for mobile applications – most notably, iTunes.JS is one of multiple components of the Ember stack, created in 2011 by Yehuda Katz. Unlike Google and Facebook’s JavaScript applications, Ember JS has a variety of sponsors behind it. The list includes Yahoo!, Yapp and Bustle, and the professional social media website LinkedIn.

Ember, recognizable by its adorable logo of Tomster the hamster wearing thick geek glasses, is a JavaScript application that works with multiple platforms. It’s downloaded an average of 150,000 times per month by app developers who appreciate its templates that update automatically, and the common idioms it incorporates automatically to save time and stop the cycle of reinventing the wheel.

Here are 5 facts to keep in mind:

1. Creating an app through Ember requires only a fraction of the code you have to use with other frameworks.

2. Like Google Chrome, Ember updates its programming every six releases. It’s considered to be a “rapid” release cycle.

3. The next significant version, Ember 2.0, is switching from the model-view-controller pattern to the model-route-component.

4. Another change in 2.0 is the switch from two way bindings to DDAU (data downaction up).

5. Ember is introducing the Glimmer rendering engine which improves re-renderperformance.

Be on the lookout for Ember 2.0, which is scheduled to be released on July 24th 2015!